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Working with input fields on iOS

In an input-heavy interface it may be pretty hard to gather information from a form before sending a network request. And it’s even harder to handle all the errors that may come in the response.

Dependency Injection in Angular

As you may already know, Angular has its own Dependency Injection (DI) framework. At one of the projects we needed to deal with some of the subtleties of its work. I want to share this experience.

In this article, I want to show some tricks of using dependency injection in Angular. They help to reuse the code. Also, we’ll get a deeper understanding of how DI works in Angular.

Implementing Picture-in-Picture with Wowza and WebRTC

Almost every application with video-streaming allows viewers to communicate with the broadcaster using a chat. But a chat isn’t the best solution for some cases — for example, if the broadcaster does not just answer questions, but has a real, bilateral talk with the viewer. So, in our project we decided to add video calls to our app.

Generating a QR-code with live stream configuration for Yi 4K camera

Suppose you’re building a streaming service which allows users to perform all set-ups in a single web application.

One possible streaming option is YI 4k camera with the feature that lets you enter an RTMP link and Wi-Fi network settings

Xamarin names Cruxlab their Authorized Consulting Partner

We are happy to announce that Cruxlab, Inc. is now a Xamarin Authorized Consulting Partner.