HW Integration / App Design and Development

HW Integration / App Design and Development

The Challege
Uniwheel tasked Cruxlab to develop a set of apps that would allow users to control their Uniwheel vehicles via iOS or Android devices.
The app should not only allow users to control the vehicle, but also know its current status and everything that has been done to it.
For better overall user experience, additional productivity features such as mapping and routing should be included.
The communication between the vehicle and the app should be based on the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol.
Technologies used
Bluetooth Low Energy, SmartBASIC, iOS, Android

The Device
Uniwheel is a personal portable vehicle designed in the UK for those who want to enjoy the freedom of everyday urban travels. This wheeled gadget gives its users the opportunity to own their ride in the fast modern world.
The Development
A very early prototype of the wheel using the Development Kit from Laird Technologies which is based on the BL 600 chipset was used as the starting point of development. The main goal was to keep the software and vehicle development synchronized, while overcoming all of the limitations of BLE.
This was handled quite gracefully, thanks to the experience and creativity of Cruxlab personnel, the outstanding collaboration between the vehicle and app development teams and the complete support from Uniwheel.
Later on in the project, the development of the BLE module for the hardware was handed off to Cruxlab to reduce communication overhead.

Mobile App
We have made the UI incredibly easy for the user to see vehicle diagnostics, as well as productivity information.
Uniwheel wanted to create an app that would allow iOS and Android user to fully interact with the vehicle. The app should not only allow users to control the vehicle, but also know everything that has been done with the vehicle and the vehicle’s current status as well. Some additional productivity features such as mapping and routing were added for a better overall user experience.

The Uniwheel firmware was built using the SmartBASIC language based on the chipset and requirements given to Cruxlab.

“I was very satisfied with their services. I was happy with how they received me in Ukraine and how they showed me around and hosted me. Cruxlab impressed with their responsive management and thorough documentation. The team worked to expand their knowledge and discover innovative solutions.”
The Result
The Uniwheel app was completed and successfully tested with the vehicle. The overall solution (app + vehicle) garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews. Uniwheel has received VC funding and is preparing for a commercial launch.